Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Pinto Beans

Little did I know about Pinto Beans until I
found this site. It is pretty interesting. There are recipes on this site that I would never of thought to try. Thank you to those at NMSU that made the information on Pinto Beans so readily available.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I am now on the Twitter-ing scene. :-)
For our anniversary, Chris started me a twitter account. He's so awesome! We have been married 12 years now. I couldn't be happier!

Monday, May 26, 2008

12th Wedding Anniversary

Today, May 26th, Chris and I have been married 12 years. I'm so proud of us. Thanks Chris for marrying me, you are a great guy and I am blessed to have you in my life!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Lawn Mower

Well, with the ingenuity or a socket wrench and a vehicle jack, I was able to get the bent blade off from under the mower yesterday. Yeah me! When Chris got home he was able to straighten the blade back out so that the mower is working better than ever now! Yeah Chris! Then once the blade was back awesome husband finished mowing the lawn. Thanks Chris.

Abe Lincoln

Stumbled upon this great book when Michael was doing a report on Abraham Lincoln for English/History this last month. Thought that I'd pass it on to y'all!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Well, tonight was interesting to say the least...while trying to mow the yard, one of the blades got bent by a large drain that is in our back yard. No one was hurt! Frustrating to say the least for me anyhow. I had wanted to get the yard done before Chris came home tomorrow & before the rains showed up tonight. Ok, only the front got done. That is fine with me. Charlie on the other hand was very ecstatic the I couldn't finish the yard. He is very scared of the loud noise the lawn mower makes. Poor guy, hope that he outgrows that before he's old enough to be mowing the yard. :-)
The boys and I had a good night together. They had cheese pizza for dinner and then we all went up stairs to watch "Over The Hedge" in my bedroom. They enjoyed that tons & so did I. It was really nice to hear them laughing at the silliness of the movie characters. I can see why my boys like Hammy so much...he's so hyper!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Cast Iron

Here is something pretty cool that I was told about...
Sometimes cleaning cast iron skillets is tough when there is rust on them. It doesn't always come off. Well, check out this site for an easy way to get rid of those nasty rust spots on your cast iron. Who knew that potatoes had benefits like that...

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Spring Allergies

As most people, I've got those wonderful spring allergies. I love seeing the trees and flowers blooming...turn off the heater and open up all the windows. Oh well, right...
I didn't keep my allergies in check this year and lo & behold...I've got bronchitis. This is yucky. Prayers for a quick and easy recovery would be greatly appreciated. I've kept the boys relatively healthy this spring minus a few sniffles that are bound to happen with any kid. But, sometimes us moms think that we're got super powers that keep us from getting sick. WRONG!
The boys are loving this, kind of...they are still having to get their lessons done but it is stretched out through the day so that mom can rest when needs be. They have helped out tons so far around the house. Mike and Jake vacuum & sweep the floors. Charlie carries the trashes to his brothers to be emptied into a trash bag. Plus, Michael is taking advantage of the chance to cook. Tonight he is going to help make spaghetti. He loves it! Michael also got to mop today for the first time...absolutely loved the opportunity. No joke, I told him that he got to mop today and he was literally jumping up and down with joy. Michael did a great job. They are truly good boys. Plus, Chris has been really sweet & awesome taking care of me, too. I really am truly blessed with awesome guys! Thanks God for them!