Thursday, February 28, 2008

Home Baked Bread vs Store Bought Bread

I just read a very interesting article about the cost difference between baking your own bread vs buying store bought. I found the article to be very informative and enlightening. I enjoy baking my own bread because of the great smell it wafts in the home. Plus, it is a great stress reliever. Kneading dough really gets the excess frustrations out and when the bread is done you get to eat the sweet reward of your efforts. That is a double benefit for your family, healthy food and a happy mommy!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Winter Blahs

It snowed again last night!
Chris and I shoveled this morning and it was the very heavy - wet type of snow. Yuck!
I have to say that I am really getting sick of snow...okay enough of my griping.
It does look pretty on the neighbors trees across the road. That has a clean and redeeming effect.

I still prefer summer time though! You can get out and do lots of activities, that are free, with the family.
Plus, that is when a lot of family orientated place are open filled with outdoor water fun...

for example...

That is one of our favorite things to do sometime over the summers when we can get away.
I am truly looking forward to that time of year again!

Plus, the sunshine really helps my moods. I believe that I am one of those people that suffer from the lack of sun during the winter time. I've found myself when it's sunny trying to bask in the sunlight as it comes through the window. I giggle to myself when I do this.
(This isn't a picture of my cats but they look pretty close)
It reminds me of when we had cats, before children. Yes, I said cats. Lonnie & Grace, both girls and they were sisters in the same litter to boot. Any how Lonnie did not like Chris but the feelings were mutual. :-) Grace on the other hand was a happy go luck yet stupid cat. She would run full force into a wall or a piece of furniture, shake her head a couple of times and then do it all over again. I tell you though it was cheap entertainment watching them play and just have fun.
But, when we found out that I was pregnant with our oldest we had to find homes for the cats because Lonnie was a very jealous critter. I love my boys and I would not trade them for anything!

Anyhow...where was I? Oh yes, summer. I can't wait!

It's bedtime for the boys so I had better stop for now. I'll write more later this week.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Cool Places To Visit

Good Morning. It is sunny but a very deceiving looking. There is snow on the ground and is 21*F outside with a chance of more snow this weekend. This post is for those of us dealing with cabin fever or just plain boredom.
For some people, like me, who often find it hard to think of cool places to take our kids for either field trips or just plain fun family days. Here are a couple ideas to start:

For Summer time try...
Beckman Mill
My brother and sister-in-law, who lives in Northern IL close to the Wisconsin border, told me about this one. They were able to see the mill in action plus they bought some of the stone ground corn and wheat flour. One of the last times my family & I visited them, they blessed us with some of their flour and corn meal. I have to say, IT WAS AWESOME!

For All Seasons try...

Fair Oaks Farms: Dairy Farm
This a working dairy farm in Indiana about 2 hours from Chicagoland area. I've visited the web-site and driven past on our way to see my parents Indiana. It looks like a really fun place to go. Check it out!

Best of all, check out your local library to find fun activities for the kids to do.
A lot of times these activities are free or have a minimal cost.

There will be more to come in the next few months.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Hot Chocolate

My husband, Chris, knows that I absolutely love chocolate and it had been a hard day for me with the boys yesterday. Chris was the sweetest ever! He brought me a mug of hot chocolate with some mini-marshmallows in it. I am truly blessed with an awesome Godly man. Thank you Lord for Chris!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Game Show

Ok, I knew that Chris would do an awesome job at this skit. He made it seem like the person was really on "Deal or No Deal". I'm so proud of him. Many people in the audience were really getting into the game as well. It was exciting to see the enthusiasm and energy that came from the room during this experience.

I can't say enough of how proud I am of him. Many times I think of how blessed I am to have such a wonderful man by my side. When I can't seem to handle anymore in the day he comes in and comforts me with a hug & kiss - that communicates to me it'll be ok. I just love him so very much!

Gotta get back to my work and teaching

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Hello World

Well, this is my first "blog" ever. This is definitely a new experience for me. Writing my thoughts down for the whole world to see. It is a really cool thought. Today, the second Saturday in February 2008.
It started out normal. Kids coming in saying that their chores were done. My wonderful husband, Chris, getting ready for work. And me getting up to fix breakfast for the boys, run a few loads of laundry, make myself a cup of hot tea and plan out the day. During the planning I thought that it would be a great idea to start blogging.
Since this coming Thursday is Valentine's Day I thought I'd brag on my husband a little.
The "weekend" is always fairly busy for our family due to my husbands job, he's a pastor. He is a pretty awesome one at that. I'm really looking forward to seeing him at work tonight. He is pretending to be a game show host for this new series at church. It shall prove to be very interesting and awesome at that. I'm proud of him and very proud to be his wife.
That is all for now...but I'll be back soon to tell the outcome from the skit.