Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Tapestry of Grace

Today we started a new curriculum sample that we have downloaded from the Tapestry of Grace website. I am excited about starting this because it is a very history based curriculum with a biblical world-view. For someone like me coming from a traditional background starting something like this is a little intimidating. I am moving past this feeling of intimidation so that I can educate my boys and explore together with them a new way of learning.
I am very old fashioned in the way of traditional vs unit studies goes. I was brought up with the traditional style of schooling. Traditional studies is where you have a book for each subject that is being taught. Unit studies include all the students in a particular theme of study at different levels of learning.
This is my 3rd year of homeschooling so I am trying new curriculum, finding what works best for our family better.
My boys are doing great in their studies and are showing improvements in learning by leaps and bounds. I'm very proud of them. If they were in public school I'm sure that I would notice this then as well but it wouldn't be as easy to spot their learning styles and help them excel.

Please pray for us as we go through this 3 week trial period of the curriculum from Tapestry of Grace. Thanks!

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